Monday, November 15, 2010

Immigration Polling Results

The 14th Amendment ensures that anyone, who is a legal resident of the United States, is guaranteed their rights. For example, they cannot be discriminated against. This amendment also ensures that anyone who is born on U.S. soil is a U.S. citizen, which includes children of both legal and illegal residents.
1.Do you believe that the 14th Amendment should be changed/repealed?
            a) Yes
            b) No
            c) I don’t know
            d) Don’t care

2. Do you think that immigration is among the top issues that should be focused on right now?
a)      Yes
b)      No
c)      I don’t know
d)     Don’t care

3. Do you favor or oppose Arizona’s new immigration law, SB1070?
a)      Favor
b)      Oppose
c)      I don’t know
d)     Don’t care

Many people argue that illegal immigration is good for the economy because it fills low-wage jobs, pays sales tax and creates larger pools of consumers. Others, however, argue about there being fewer jobs for Americans and the burdens on tax-based resources.
4. Do you think that we should:
a)      Deport any illegals that we find in our country back to their home country
b)      Grant them citizenship so they can continue on with their lives
c)      Imprison them for breaking the law
d)     Do nothing

The following 4 graphs show the overall results of how people voted. A majority of the people voted the same way ideologically throughout the poll. Those who voted A, have more conservative views regarding the topic of immigration. Those who voted B have more liberal views. Finally, those who voted C or D have more moderate views. (or they genuinely had no idea what we were talking about). Overall, each question had divisive results because the data is mainly split between 2 answer choices, A and B.

This graph shows that the majority of students are either for or against change the 14th Amendment with a small percentage not knowing.
This graph shows that more people believe immigration is a top issue as opposed to not.
This graph shows in increased number of students who favor SB1070. More people either didn't care of opposed the new law.
This shows that exactly half of those who were questioned believe that illegal immigrants should be deported.

***Notice, more people oppose changing the 14th Amendment but favor SB1070 and think that illegals should be deported.

-Freshman- A majority of them believed that the 14th Amendment should be changed.
-Sophomores-Relatively the same opinions regarding each answer choice. There is no significant difference.
-Juniors-Voted B more often than A or not knowing.
-Seniors were almost equal in the number of people who said A or B. They were also more likely to have an actually opinion on the matter than the other grade levels rather than not knowing or not caring.
A larger number of students believe that that 14th Amendment should be changed.
This graph shows that each grade level, with the exclusive of freshman, feel as though immigration is among the top issues to be focused on. Seniors had the largest gap between yes and no.
This graph shows that a majority of students favor the new immigration law, SB1070. Each grade level had more students favor it than oppose it.
This graph shows that freshman and sophomores are more likely to choose to grant illegals citizenship; however, as you view the data as it progresses by age, older students believe that illegals should be deported. This may have occurred because older students have a better understanding of US History and Economics and know to more of an extent what the effects of illegal immigration is.

This graph shows the varying views of honors students versus regular education students. Honors students were more likely to vote for the 14th Amendment to remain the same than regular students. Honors students were also more like to have a definite opinion then regular students.
This graph doesn't have a significant cleavage. Honors students and regular students had almost the same opinion for each answer choice.  
 This graph shows that more honors students were more likely to favor SB1070 than regular. Those that opposed were equal though.
 This graph shows that more honors students voted for A and B. It is possible that honors students, for the most part, have a better understanding of the effects of illegal immigration on the economy as well as jobs than regular students.


Error in Our Questions
Question one had some error because we had a short phrase the voter must read before answering and it turned out many voters either skipped reading it and just put, “I don’t know” or still didn’t seem to understand what the 14th amendment was after reading. We should have asked a question where the public had a little more background information on the subject.

Possibly our largest error was in question number three. We believe everyone had the public knowledge of the Senate Bill 1070 but we were wrong. Many people when asked didn’t know what the bill was and we had to explain it to them which led to even further error created by our personal individual explanations. We should have chosen either a better question or a better way of describing what the bill was to the public.
Some of our demographics questions were in error as well. We asked questions about whether or not the voter was in clubs or was an athlete but found that these questions either had not enough variety of voters or were just not relevant to the topic we were discussing; making them rather useless questions.
Error In Sampling
One error we made in our sampling is that we only asked students from 5th hour lunch. Due to having class 4th hour, our group simply could not ask the students in 4th hour lunch. This was problematic because it most likely led to a somewhat biased or not random poll. Many seniors leave 4th period which made them nearly impossible to poll and all the students who have 4th hour lunch were not questioned as well, so we unfortunately were unable to get as accurate of a poll as we would have liked.
Also some personal error in our group was our individual personalities. Some of us were more outgoing than others making polling simple while some of us being shyer made polling more difficult and at times more biased.
Method of Randomness
We achieved randomness by asking students during 5th lunch, between passing periods and before school. This allowed us to be able to poll people of all grade levels because our questioning occurred during different times of the day. We also tried not to poll groups of people, individuals were preferred. By polling groups of people our demographics wouldn’t have been as diverse as they were. Also, we tried to avoid people that we knew to prevent results that could possible be biased. Finally, we kept our personal opinions to ourselves, as we didn’t want to sway the voter in a particular way. All of these helped us to acquire the most random and accurate sample that we could.


  1. First of all, it makes sense that seniors would have the biggest gap between Yes or No answers on the question of "if it should be a top issue to be focued on" because they're all in a government/econ. class which exposes them to all other issues and allows them to better decide for themselves which issue they believe should take priority. Of course all of the younger grades are going to say that it should be a big issue because they see it all the time in the media and figure that it already is. Realistically, until junior year these students don't know the history of immigration issues in this country or the core of the current issue themselves. The opinions of the younger grades (as with most things) are going to be shallow minded.
    This would also explain why more sophomores would vote to change or repeal the 14th amendment; they have no idea of its historical significance in this country. It's all the junior Apush kids and above that would truly understand it's role in our nation. (this excludes freshmen, they're just idiots who think it's cool they're being surveyed).
    I also agree that your question about SB1070 might have been a little too vague for some kids to answer. I mean since it's Everywhere you'd Think everyone would know in general what it's about, but maybe a more general question about maybe if they though "targeting illegal immigrants was okay?" (or something along those lines) would have had a greater effect.
    But great job otherwise and interesting results!

  2. My only concern was in question 2 when you asked if immigration should be focused on right now. In my opinion, you should have asked if they were for or against immigration. Asking if it should be focused on dosen't really reveal what side of the debate they are on. However, everything else was awesome and I found it intersting that freshmen through juniors didnt really have a clear opinion about question 1. You would think that juniors at least would be able to form an opinion but I guess not. And one more thing was to actually describe what SB1070 was exactly because Im guessing the majority of students had no idea what that was. But good job and tell Sujatha I said hi.

  3. I’m not sure if I’m looking at this wrong...but it looks like more freshman were against the 14th amendment being repealed - answering B more...I wonder why freshman are more against the 14th amendment being repealed? It seems as though they’re more sympathetic to illegal immigration.
    Seniors consider immigration a top issue - this can be explained because they are older and have more experience. They’ve seen border issues in the past few years and SB 1070 being passed and argued about.
    I think honors students are more likely to be sympathetic towards immigration, therefore in support of the 14th amendment. This is probably because of their more in-depth learning of history of immigration, etc.

  4. It is interesting that so many students favored SB1070, considering that it is often misinterpreted by the media.
    I agree with Carissa about seniors supporting this because it is an issue that they are more educated about. Also, they have had three years of history and more of them are likely to have been in AP history classes, which (as I keep writing and firmly believe) really help students keep current events in perspective.
    The "Error in Our Questions" portion is very helpful, and I completely know what you mean about students skipping the statement in the beginning. Pollsters probably stay away from lengthy questions for this exact reason...we can all learn from this :-)
    I realize this is being a bit nit-picky, but if you were really trying to achieve randomness, why were only students during fifth lunch polled and not students during fourth lunch?
    Great poll!

  5. I am very impressed with your note not to poll groups of people. Sometimes i would see that become a problem in kids being easily persuaded by the prior answers of close friends or them all having the same opinion due to prior peer influence with their group.
    And like Sam, I agree with Freshmen and Sophomore polling to be based on very shallow perceptions. I think seniors see this as more of an issue than those of the younger grades due to more experience in seeing the ramifications of illegals and with them going out into the job force and being less preferred by an employer in comparison to an illegal worker who is willing to take less pay.

  6. I thought every group was supposed to have a different topic, it doesn't really matter I was just wondering.
    I like your questions though, this is definitely a major topic, especially in Arizona, and it doesn't hurt to hit on it some more.

  7. As I have stated in a few other blog posts, I think the issue of immigration is a pretty hot topic. So I expected the voters to have some pretty pre-determined opinions on the issue. So I was glad that I saw mostly 'yes or no' answers rather than 'i dont know'.

  8. I though it was interesting that upperclassmen were more likely to deport immigrants and the younger students were more likely to grant citizenship. T His is probably because older students have history/gov/econ classes and have a better understand of the effects of immigration on society, and the younger students opinions are based more on what they see through the media.

  9. Again, a very good topic especially to ask within Arizona, where immigration is a big issue/topic within this state. The graphs are interested, both in that they are well done and the results they yield. I especially found it interesting that question 1 had close results for "Yes" and "No" with only a small percentage difference. It makes me wonder how many people all in the United States would answer this question, and if it would differ based on states without such a high immigration rate, and those with them.

  10. Hey guys- I found it strange that the freshman were in such strong support of SB1070. The freshman are the least likely to be informed about this bill and therefore their strongest influence on this topic would have been the media, which often distorts the meaning of the bill and misinforms people. I thought it was fitting that the upperclassmen were more likely to have an opinion on the topic since they are more educated on the topic because of their government and history classes, making them more opinionated and educated about immigration. This was a great topic since we live in Arizona and you guys did a great job of presenting the data in your graphs! Bravo!

  11. This is a very good question to ask, especially within Arizona. I think it is pretty interesting that most people want to deport immigrants rather than grant them citizenship. It makes sense that most seniors would vote for deportation though based upon the fact that seniors tend to be more educated on how immigration effects our country. I am surprised at how many people want to deport illegal immigrants, because as Jessica said, the media does not portray Prop SB1070 as it should be portrayed. Great job you guys!!

  12. The questions that you guys posed to the students were very diverse and allowed for a wide range of opinions to be expressed. It makes sense that more seniors actually had an opinion since they usually have more education on an issue. I find it interesting that honors individuals opposed changing the fourteenth amendment, yet they favored the passing of SB1070. I really enjoyed your polling of the fourteenth amendment versus SB1070, which I believe provides a contrast that is very interesting to see. Great topic and great poll guys!

  13. Good topic to choose, seeing how relevant it is to this state. I especially liked the way your group did your questions, with lots of possible opinions to be expressed, as well as the lead in explanations before a few of them. They doubtlessly helped clear up some of the confusion that other groups' polled students may have faced. Not surprising that seniors were more likely to have an informed opinion, but it was interesting to see the differences between the grades' choices despite that. You definitely had some interesting cleavages and trends. Good job!
